Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Muckraking Essay - Maeve Kilbride

Are Women Fighting Alone?

Since the 19th century, women have been attempting to gain the same rights as the men around them. One of the first main gender inequality fights was women’s suffrage. The first women’s suffrage convention was held in 1864 in Seneca Falls, New York. Women fought for the right to vote until the 19th amendment was passed in 1919, granting women's suffrage. Other battles fought include property rights, sex and rape, as well as many others. Currently, the main battle is equal pay and defining feminism. Although gender equality has made a great deal of progress throughout the years, women and men are still not paid equally, nor are people of color, and feminism has a negative outlook for no good reason.

The Wage Gap

Females in the modern day do not receive the same pay as their male counterparts in the workforce. Even when a male and women have the exact same job, they are not paid equally. Statistically, white women receive about 77 cents per each male’s dollar. This is wrong and unjust. Women work equally as hard as men, so it is not fair that they do not receive equal pay. What should be happening is equal pay for equal work, this is the most logical way to solve this problem. However, some people cannot accept this and women still are paid less. The ratio of cents to dollar from man to women varies throughout the work fields as well. Seventy-seven is the average, but it runs the gamut from 74% to 92%. Statistics have shown that women dentists earn 74 cents to each dollar their male co-workers earn. Pharmacists are on the other end of the spectrum; a female pharmacist earns about 92 cents for each dollar their male coworkers do.

People of Color (P.O.C)

    Women of color are paid less than other women, who are paid less than men. The last time data was taken for the wage gap was in 2010. In that year, African American women were paid roughly 89.8% compared to black men, Hispanic women were paid 91.3%compared to Hispanic men, and Asian women earned 79.7% compared to Asian men. Compared to whites, African Americans were paid 58.7% and Hispanics were paid a mere 69.1% compared to whites.

Simple Solutions

The solution to this issue is simple, and to me (as well as many others) a no - brainer. It should not be a big ordeal for women to receive the same pay as men. Individual companies need to adjust pay and make it equal for all genders. Individual franchises and companies having the ability to do this themselves is a less aggressive approach to the problem. Having equal pay for all genders will reduce the chance of unhappy women and will allow a company to have more options of who works for them. For instance, no woman is going to work for a company knowing that she might not achieve equal pay. Having equal pay increases the variety and diversity of employees in a company, which will please many people.

Femininity vs. Feminism

Yet another issue involving gender equality is the newly found negative outlook on feminism. Being a feminist does not mean that you have a hatred for men, although that is how many people perceive it. Simply put, feminism means that you want equal rights for men and women.   great deal of people in the world believe that only women can be feminists. In reality, anyone can be a feminist. Recently, there have been many speeches speaking about feminism and gender equality in various parts of the world. Actress Emma Watson, best known for her role as Hermione Granger in Harry Potter, made a moving speech at the UN about the HeForShe campaign. HeForShe is an is a gender equality movement founded to bring awareness to the fact that gender equality is an issue that should be fought by everyone. Watson also discusses what feminism really is, compared to what people believe it is. In the speech, she says that “feminism has become an unpopular word. Apparently I am among the ranks of women whose expressions are seen as too strong, too aggressive, isolating, anti-men and, unattractive.” A solution to the ignorance of the purpose of feminism could be a long, but purposeful, process. Everyone would need to be properly educated on what feminism is and, more importantly, what it is not. There could be feminist conventions held in cities, like there were Women’s Suffrage conventions in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. It would be nearly impossible to properly educate the entirety of the human race on feminism. If people were willing to publicly speak about it more often, like Emma Watson demonstrated, more people would begin to become educated on the term.        

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