Innocent Muslim passengers are sometimes removed from airplanes because people think they are a danger or threat to them. They can’t even go on vacations without being interrupted. Khairuldeen Makhzoomi was a twenty six year old student from the University of California, Berkeley who took a flight out on Southwest airlines. When he boarded the plane, he decided to call his uncle in Baghdad. He talked to his uncle in arabic while waiting for takeoff. Makhzoomi said to his uncle, “ ‘insha’ Allah insha’ Allah”, which meant, “ God Williing”, and a woman next to him gave him a look. The lady got up and left, and two minutes later, police arrived and told Makhzoomi to get off the plane. He did not do anything wrong or hurt anyone, but he was forced to leave anyway. Makhzoomi was extremely upset. All he did was talk on the phone in the language he was taught and he got punished, and that is not fair at all. If a person was talking Spanish on the phone, would they get kicked off a plane? Probably not. He said to CNN, “ All I want is an apology today. We as people of Iraqi, American, Iranian, we share one thing in common, and that is our dignity. If someone tries to take that away from us, we should fight but not with aggression, with knowledge and education. One must stand for his principle.” The man who escorted Makhzoomi off the plane asked him why he was speaking arabic and the man even said it was dangerous to the environment. Dogs even sniffed his bags. The airline gave him a refund and he booked a flight home on delta. Makhzoomi said “ he was so shaken he took to his bed and slept for days.” Makhzoomi and all other Muslims should not be afraid to be themselves and they should not be judged for it. Americans are allowed to speak English without getting punished, so muslims should be able to speak Arabic. Makhzoomi’s trip was ruined because of the incident.
If people are afraid of Muslims, then they should also be afraid of White people too. According to statistics from CNN, “9 people have been killed a year, on average by Muslim extremists in the U.S since 9/11, 12,843 people are killed a year, on average, by guns in the U.S, and 37,000 people die every year on average, in traffic incidents in the U.S.” This proves that more people die from shootings and traffic accidents, then they do from Muslim extremist attacks. CNN also states that “ According to data compiled by Mother Jones magazine, which looked at mass shootings in the United States since 1982, White people -- almost exclusively white men -- have committed some 64% of the shootings.” Statista also shows that between 1982 and 2017, 51 out of 90 mass shootings were initiated by White shooters. There have been extreme shootings like the most recent one in Las Vegas, Nevada, where 58 people died, and more than 500 were injured. These show that White people commit crimes and they actually commit most of the mass shootings in the country. Muslims are not the only terrorists. All other races have terrorists too. Another example of an infamous shooting by a White male, was the Sandy Hook shooting where 20 children and 6 teachers died. This massacre left people devastated and in shock. Muslims are not the only terrorists and killers in the world, there are people from all races that are terrorists or criminals also, and if people are going to discriminate only Muslims that is not right.
Muslims are stereotyped too much in the United States and even throughout the world. They can’t feel safe anywhere they go and it it isn’t fair to them at all. They are disrupted from vacations
and trips because they have a fear of getting removed from planes. They can’t do anything without being looked at with concern. They also get beat up and protested against because of their religion, and statistics have shown that the hate against them has increased within years. People that are Muslim do commit crimes, but so do people of all races. One single person can’t stop the stereotyping of Muslims, but large groups of people can step up and try. To stop it, people can speak up and stand up for those Muslims who get beat or looked at weirdly, and they can get educated about the Muslim culture and learn that they aren't bad people. By standing up for them, others will learn to stand up too, and it can help Muslims feel safer in the country.
Cory Shinohara
and trips because they have a fear of getting removed from planes. They can’t do anything without being looked at with concern. They also get beat up and protested against because of their religion, and statistics have shown that the hate against them has increased within years. People that are Muslim do commit crimes, but so do people of all races. One single person can’t stop the stereotyping of Muslims, but large groups of people can step up and try. To stop it, people can speak up and stand up for those Muslims who get beat or looked at weirdly, and they can get educated about the Muslim culture and learn that they aren't bad people. By standing up for them, others will learn to stand up too, and it can help Muslims feel safer in the country.
Cory Shinohara
Ansari, Azadeh. “FBI: Hate Crimes Spike, Most Sharply against Muslims.” CNN, Cable News Network, 15 Nov. 2016, www.cnn.com/2016/11/14/us/fbi-hate-crime-report-muslims/index.html.
Ford, Dana. “Who Commits Mass Shootings?” CNN, Cable News Network, 24 July 2015, www.cnn.com/2015/06/27/us/mass-shootings/index.html.
Lipka, Michael. “Muslims and Islam: Key Findings in the U.S. and around the World.” Pew Research Center, 9 Aug. 2017, www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2017/08/09/muslims-and-islam-key-findings-in-the-u-s-and-around-the-world/.
Shoichet, Catherine E. “Arabic-Speaking Student Kicked off Flight.” CNN, Cable News Network, 18 Apr. 2016, www.cnn.com/2016/04/17/us/southwest-muslim-passenger-removed/index.html.
“U.S.: Mass Shootings by Race 1982-2017.” Statista, www.statista.com/statistics/476456/mass-shootings-in-the-us-by-shooter-s-race/.
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