Monday, October 17, 2016

Trump 1, America 0

Donald Trump.  A successful businessman, presidential candidate, and the mastermind behind the scamming of the American people.  Donald wants us to think that he is a charitable person who spends his money on things that help the world become a better place.  On the surface, this is apparent, as you can see in his many charitable donations over the years. If you dig a little deeper, though, you will find that his so called “donations” do not actually come from him.  Although Donald likes to say he is very generous, he has been scamming America through his college and his charity foundation.

Trump likes to spend money donated to his charity on things for himself.  For instance, at a charity auction, he spent the money people donated to him for charity on a $20,000 painting of himself.  The whereabouts of the painting were unknown, until recently.  The painting is at his private club in Florida, away from the public eye.  This violates the rules of charitable purchases, and he should be punished.  It was quite wrong of him to do this, as it wasn’t even his money, but he disguised it as his own purchase and escaped responsibility for his actions.

Trump has his own college,Trump University, which many alumni claim is a total scam.  There was so much mystery shrouding the college, Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi was thinking of investigating it.  While she was on the fence about what she would do, Donald Trump donated $25,000 to her reelection!  The case was dropped after this generous donation.  Later, when he ran for president, Pam Bondi endorsed his campaign.  Bondi changed her opinion about him quickly after he put $25,000 in her pocket.  The Trump U scandal has been swept under the rug for long enough that people think it’s not a big deal, but he needs to pay the price for committing these crimes.  

Donald Trump says he is a charitable person.  One of the pieces of evidence he uses to back this up is his own Trump Foundation’s donation of $150,000 to the Palm Beach Police Department at a banquet he organized for them.  This seems kind enough, except for the fact that the banquet was held at Mar-a-Lago club, which is owned by Trump himself, and he charged the police officers for using the room and for everything else, bringing the bill up to a whopping $276,000.  Trump actually turned a charitable action into a way to make some money.  Not only that but before the banquet, he held a fundraiser for the Trump Foundation, which raised $150,000.  He took other people’s money and gave it away under his name.  That is just a terrible thing and Donald shouldn’t be proud of it.

Trump has been using other people’s money for his own personal gain for years.  He bought a painting of himself with money given to him for charitable causes.  He donated money to a campaign just to
escape trouble.  He donated the money of other American citizens under his own name.  America can stop this from happening by exposing him for all his faults and showing the public he is not the man he says he is. Then, the American people will not vote for him in this upcoming election.

Works Cited

Atkin, Emily. "Florida's AG Is Tied Up In The Trump University Scandal. And Things Just Got Worse." ThinkProgress. N.p., 06 July 2016. Web. 17 Oct. 2016. <>.
Fahrenthold, David A. "How Donald Trump Retooled His Charity to Spend Other People's Money." N.p., 12 Sept. 2016. Web. 17 Oct. 2016. <>.
"Trump Bought a 6-foot-tall Portrait of Himself with Charity Money. We May Have Found It." Washington Post. The Washington Post, n.d. Web. 17 Oct. 2016. <>.
Hofheinz, By Darrell. "Washington Post Looks into Trump's Donations to PB Police Charity." The Shiny Sheet: Palm Beach Society, Fashion, Arts, Business. N.p., 12 Sept. 2016. Web. 17 Oct. 2016. <>.

Quigley, William. Donald Trump. Digital image. N.p., 18 July 2013. Web. 17 Oct. 2016. <>.

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