Where's the Time?
Between school, sports, and extracurricular activities, students today have no extra time to come home and do various other activities. Too much homework is one activity that is pushing high school students to stay up later just to get there work done. By the end of the school week, students are exhausted and get minimal break before they have to go back and do the same thing the following week. Homework is a necessity to learning in school, students go home and work on problems on their own, self learning, and going back to class with knowledge or questions helpful to the learning environment. However too much homework ends up becoming ineffective to learning the information; this is due to lack of time in their day, to alleviate this problem the homework policy should be changed.
Students need time to go home and relax after a long busy day. They don't need to be piled with homework every night, a balanced between the two is necessary to maintaining a healthy education. Most students are highly involved in their academics and extracurricular activities today because to get into the colleges that they want, they need a well rounded resume. Wilmington High School suggests that students should have roughly 90 to 180 minutes of homework per night. Although teachers know that they at maximum should only be giving about a half an hour of homework a night, the tendency is to give more. Many teachers, like in math may give more homework that other teacher because they may think other teachers aren't giving any. This adds to at least 180 minutes a day. Let alone when teachers give projects, they don't let up on their day to day homework which just adds more onto a student’s plate.
"Increasing homework loads is likely to aggravate tensions... thereby generating more inequality and eroding the quality of overall education," said David Baker a Professor in education and sociology at Penn. State University. To fix the homework policy at schools across the nation, two approaches can be taken. The first is that all departments at school coordinate, making it that the five major courses give homework one set day a week and can give tests and quizzes one set day a week for each. This would limit the overload of homework on one individual day, and keep a fairly consistent schedule easy to deal with. The other option would be that depending on the grade you have in the class the homework would come accordingly. In this way a student may make the most of their time with the classes they need to do better in, rather than spending a lot of their time doing homework for classes where they understand the material. Either one of these options would make homework become once again a positive learning tool that would benefit the students, especially those with little time left in their days.
"Too Much Homework Can Be Counterproductive." Too Much Homework Can Be Counterproductive. N.p., 31 May 2005. Web. 21 Oct. 2012. <http://phys.org/news4333.html>.
"Wilmington Public Schools Online." Wilmington Public Schools Online. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Oct. 2012. <http://www.wilmington.k12.ma.us/>.
"Teens and Sleep." National Sleep Foundation. National Sleep Foundation, n.d. Web. 21 Oct. 2012. <http://www.sleepfoundation.org/article/sleep-topics/teens-and-sleep>.
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